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  • Writer's pictureTrisha J Kelly

Coming next week-A Tropical Murder

'A Tropical Murder'

I'm very pleased to have completed my debut cozy mystery. Being a multi-genre author, I get the best of all worlds! 'A Tropical Murder' is the first in my brand new Honeystone Sisters series.

I've always loved delving into a good mystery, and finally, I have written my own! This was probably my most challenging work so far, for two reasons:

1. I've written it in the first person point of view. Basically, this means I am writing the series as one of the characters so everything has been written in the present tense, from her viewpoint. Writers usually least favour this method as it's quite challenging. Our brains always revert back to the past tense; so why did I do it this way? Well, it makes for a better reading experience I think. There's nothing wrong with any form of writing, all my other books I have written in the third person, omniscient. What does this mean? Well, it's as if the story is being told by a narrator. The writer is not any one of the characters, they are on the outside looking in, telling through words what each person in the story is doing or how they are feeling/thinking. This was my first challenge!

2. The plot! Writing a mystery opens up a different ball game. There cannot be any room for holes or error, more so than most genres. Of course no story should lose the plot! (don't answer that!) but, in the case of a murder that is mysterious one must get their facts right, have their ducks in a neat row. I think I've pulled it off. I have a new small team of ARC readers that I look to for guidance, advice and opinions. My feedback has been excellent with just one or two suggestions of alternate words etc. You know what this means? I'm almost ready to hit publish! My first book should hopefully be released before the 15th March, 2019. Thank you, beta readers!

I'm already working on the second book in the series. 'A Lakeside Murder' will be next up, this is a sneak preview at the cover for the next one.

'A Lakeside Murder'

Stay posted for the release news of 'A Tropical Murder'.

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